Motors having the same name (and correspondingly belonging to the same series) have a similar design, but they may differ in the degree of forcing, the working volume, the way of filling the working mixture. The last two digits indicate that the engine belongs to a series of engines.
M – diesel with electronically controlled fuel pump. D – diesel with a mechanically controlled high-pressure fuel pump (injection pump). A or G – gasoline engines (what is the difference between them is not clear yet). The following letter gives some information about the type of engine: The first figure in the name of the engine MITSUBISHI speaks about the number of cylinders. Mitsubishi Multipoint Fuel Injection Workshop Manual PDF.rarīy the names of engines of the MITSUBISHI much can not be said, as well as the names of engines of other companies (of course, except for TOYOTA and NISSAN). Mitsubishi HPFP Zexel VRZE Repair Manual.zip Mitsubishi F8QT Engines Service Manual.zip Mitsubishi Engine Overhaul 4A9 Repair Manual.pdf Mitsubishi Engine F9QT Series Workshop Manual PDF.rar Mitsubishi Engine Electrical Workshop Manual PDF.rar Mitsubishi Engine 6G7 Series Workshop Manual PDF.rar Mitsubishi Engine 6A12 Series Workshop Repair Manual PDF.rar Mitsubishi Engine 4M40 Service Repair Manual PDF.rar Mitsubishi Engine 4M4 Service Repair Manual PDF.rar Mitsubishi ENGINE 4G61, 4663, 4664 1992 Repair Manual PDF.rar Mitsubishi Engine 4D6 (4D65 & 4D68) Series Service Manual PDF.rar Mitsubishi Engine 4D56 1997-1993 Repair Manual PDF.rar Mitsubishi Engine 4D5 Workshop Repair Manual PDF.rar Mitsubishi Diesel Workshop Manual PDF.rar Mitsubishi Carburetor Workshop Manual PDF.rar Mitsubishi 6A12 Engines Service Manual.zip Mitsubishi 6A1 Series (E-W) Engine Repair Manual PDF.rar Mitsubishi 6A1 Engine Service Manual, Repair and Overhaul Guide PDF.rar Mitsubishi 4G9 (4G92, 4G93, 4G94) Series Engine Repair Manual PDF.rar Mitsubishi 4G6 and 4G6-EW Engine Factory Workshop Repair Manual PDF.rar Mitsubishi 4G5 Series Engine Digital Workshop Repair Manual PDF.rar
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